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Bartender 608 Intoxicologists & Cocktail Caterers, LLC

Since 2007, we have been making mocktails, cocktails, and memories!  Our insured, full bar services include our state-of-the-art same-day quoting system, alcohol ordering, custom menus, hors d'oeuvres, and many other amenities.  

We have Ms. Mae, our Intoxicology Tent, 77” inch LED bars, back bars & light-up high-top tables.  We understand our luxe services aren’t for everyone, however, those who want their bar to be a thriving thirst trap and a high point in addition to their reception have nothing but positive reviews.

Elevate your events with Bartender 608 Intoxicologists. Click on us today. We make it happen!

Serving: Wisconsin, Iowa, & Illinois
[email protected]

6516 Monona Drive, Suite 133
Madison, Wisconsin
United States

Bartender 608 Intoxicologists & Cocktail Caterers, LLC | Profile Portfolio: Bartender 608 Intoxicologists & Cocktail Caterers, LLC

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